The Do-It-Yourself Guide To Conscious Living Book Trailer
Amazon Verified Review
Hello and welcome to my new Blog, “The Road to Getting a Book Published”
To be more specific, this blog is about a book that I have written and what it takes to get it published. The good news is that I’ve already completed writing it… (the book, that is). Actually…it’s not yet a “book”. Technically, it’s still just a “manuscript”. See… in order for it to be a [...]
Search Engine Optimization: Baby Steps
Until I started writing this blog and thinking up ways to attract viewers to my webpage, I never realized how much time, energy and resources were being committed to teaching people around the world how to optimize their web content so that search engines not only could find it, but hopefully, better rank it. And [...]
Attracting Eyeballs in Publishing
A number of days have passed since my last post and that mostly is because I’ve been focusing on creating a website for myself… which included seeking out and finding a skilled web developer. Although I spent a great deal of time trying to find someone locally through friends and family, I actually found the [...]
A Great Book Proposal Resource
Oops… I slept in a bit longer this morning. Maybe that’s because we had to turn the heat on since South Florida temps dropped into the 40 degree range last night. That’s pretty chilly for us. Okay, so I’ve decided to use this morning’s blog to discuss what I consider is Phase Two of the [...]
The Importance of Creative Content
On Friday I spoke about the writing phase of my book. Obviously it’s the creative phase where you create your content, and in my opinion, it’s the most important phase as it serves as the basis for all the phases to follow. Of course, once my book is published, I’ll be able to share [...]