About Lorie Givens

Formerly a top-ranked sales professional in the financial services sector who chose to walk away from Corporate America and many of its trappings, Lorie Givens now proudly debuts her first book as she takes a deep dive into the Do-It-Yourself world of self-help by showing readers they, too can reshape their lives through self-awareness. A graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill with roots in North Carolina, Lorie has enjoyed life as a Floridian for many years where she lives happily with her husband and best friend, Jim.
1 12, 2017

Hello and welcome to my new Blog, “The Road to Getting a Book Published”

By |2018-01-16T16:08:56-05:00December 1st, 2017|1 Comment

To be more specific, this blog is about a book that I have written and what it takes to get it published.  The good news is that I’ve already completed writing it… (the book, that is).  Actually…it’s not yet a “book”.  Technically, it’s still just [...]